How do you feel about your body? Take the Body Image Quiz and find out.
Every woman, regardless of her size, has body image issues. But this is especially true for plus-size women. Because women's bodies are constantly scrutinized and commented upon, and Madison Avenue and the media promote unrealistic ideals, how could it be otherwise?
In reality, our bodies - no matter what their shape or size - are wondrous things. They keep us moving through our world, they have an amazing capacity to heal themselves and they are intriguing in their diversity of beauty.
Take this quiz to discover what your body image says about you:
1. Think of three things you love about your body. Okay, how long did
it take you to come up with your list?
Read More...Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-improvement-articles/body-image-quiz-for-plussize-women-1161647.html#ixzz1BPVUKrOR
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