Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Morning: Practice Self-Care and Positive Thinking!

Good morning!
I hope you slept well, even slept in a little. Sleep is very important for your state of mind and your ability to think clearly. See if you can remember your first thought upon awakening. Was it a positive thought or a negative one? If it was a positive one, good for you! Tomorrow, notice your first thought upon awakening and if it is a friendly negative thought that comes to visit you, so early in the morn; try replacing it with a more positive thought. Perhaps you might even laugh at yourself for worrying so much!

Whatever your plans are for today, I hope you enjoy them. Are you relaxing at home; are you meeting with friends, catching up on some work, or running to the beach before summer’s end? Well, whatever your plans are, I hope you’ll take at least 15 minutes this morning to sit quietly and journal about your day ahead, breathe, stretch, run to the gym, or take a walk.

Make sure that you eat something nutritious before you go out, something that appeals to you. You need energy for your day. Self-care is so important for you and YOU DESERVE IT! HELLLOOOO!!!!

Okay, before you head out the door, take a nice deep breath, blow it out… and say something positive to yourself about your day and about yourself! Then go, have a great time! Can’t wait to hear all about it!


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  4. GOOD ADVICE!! Always good to keep on the positive side, especially on weekends.

  5. I tend to worry and worry about things, even if there're not fully resolved yet. They usually end up ok, and I find I was worrying for nothing!

  6. I always try to stay positive. A lot of times we worry about things we can't control so it's just a waste of time. Just take care of thngs we can control!!

  7. Great advice. I've found that meditation, creative imagery and affirmations help me when I'm stuck. Though I don't have an eating disorder, I still found your Sunday blog helpful... Thanks

  8. Very thoughtfull post on Positive Thinking . It should be very much helpfull.

    Karim - Positive thinking
