Hi dads! Did you know how much influence you have with your daughters? A strong father/daughter relationship will help her to grow into a healthy and happy young woman. If you're reading this, then you are already a great dad!
10 Tips for Dads with Daughters
Ten Things Every Father Should Know1) Listen to girls. Focus on what is really important--what my daughter thinks, believes, feels, dreams and does--rather than how she looks. I have a profound influence on how my daughter views herself. When I value my daughter for her true self, I give her confidence to use her talents in the world.
2) Encourage her strength and celebrate her savvy. Help my daughter learn to recognize, resist and overcome barriers. Help her develop her strengths to achieve her goals. Help her be what Girls Incorporated calls Strong, Smart and Bold!
3) Urge her to love her body & discourage dieting. Growing girls need to eat often and healthy. Dieting increases the risk of eating disorders. Advertisers spend billions to convince my daughter she doesn’t look "right." I won’t buy into it. I’ll tell my daughter that I love her for who she is, not for how she looks. Read more>>>
This has hit home in a stong way!!! thank you for this post!!