Sunday, October 31, 2010

Science Works to Conquer Junk Food Cravings

Is there ANYONE who cannot relate to this article???

Like a pesky piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe, you can count on cravings sticking around for a while. And women struggle with cravings even more than their husbands or boyfriends, thanks to hormonal changes that occur around the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. But there is hope! Use this advice from Bob Greene and to conquer your cravings for good.

Obviously, junk food cravings wouldn't be a problem if we craved healthy fare like produce, or if the answer to withstanding temptations was as simple as willpower. Unfortunately, cravings are a little more complicated than that.

First, there's a physiological component, suggests research from Brian Wansink, Ph.D., author of Mindless Eating.Read more>>>

Monday, October 25, 2010

Men and Women Talk!

Why do men fear disagreeing with their wives or partners? I’m sorry; I know the word fear is not a favorite term for men to identify with. But, I do see it over and over again in my office. Men need to stop trying to figure out what they think their partner wants them to say and instead say what they really think.

First off to men's credit, women need to speak calmly and respectfully to their husbands/partners when they disagree with them. However, men need to tolerate some emotion.

Guys don't shut down! Tell your truth in a calm respectful way and then wait to see if you get a respectful response back. If not, your done, respectfully so. Be gentle. Your partner is acting out of emotion right now. No need for yelling. Ask for a time-out. When you try again start with something like, “That didn’t go very well did it?” Humor at no one’s expense is always a good icebreaker.

Simply, men and women speak your truth in a calm and effective manner. Calm yourselves before you speak. This new style of communicating will encourage other positive interactions.

Ilissa Banhazl, MFT
Comments are welcome: "Let me know if you try this and please tell me if something changes."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Talk Therapy W/ ilissa at

Counseling for Older Adults
Special guest Deborah Dozal, of the La Fetra Senior Center.
Valentines Month Ends with "How to Create Intimacy”...
Answering your emails!
Listen Thursday October 21st at 7pm at